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Leather Working Group is working to drive measurable change through the LWG Audit Standards.

LWG Audit Standards are designed to provide transparency and accountability within the leather supply chain. Our flagship audit standard, the LWG Leather Manufacturer Audit was first launched in 2005. Since then, we've launched additional audit standards to engage different actors in the leather value chain and deliver maximum impact.

LWG Trader Audit Standard

Available since 2016, the LWG Trader Audit assesses traders of raw and part-processed material, as well as finished leather. The standard helps to facilitate traceability through the complex leather supply chain. 

LWG Commissioning Manufacturer Audit Standard

Launched alongside the subcontractor audit in 2020, the LWG Commissioning Manufacturer Audit assesses the performance of companies that buy raw or part-processsed  material and commission subcontractors to perform all manufacturing operations on the material to produce finished leather. These companies buy their own material for processing, but do not complete any operations themselves, instead using one or more subcontractors that have been audited against the LWG Sub Contractor Audit Standard.