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What is Leather Working Group (LWG) doing to address deforestation in the leather supply chain?  

Right now, LWG is working with member companies and NGO partners to address deforestation in the following ways:  

  • Our aim is to achieve deforestation and conversion-free (DCF) leather by 2030

  • We set up the  Leather Working Group Forum (formerly the Traceability Working Group) to support traceability through developing chain of custody  

  • We are expanding requirements for deforestation due diligence within the LWG audit standards 

  • Partnering with Textile Exchange and other industry stakeholders on a Deforestation-Free Call to Action for Leather which asks brands to commit to sourcing their bovine leather from deforestation/ conversion-free supply chains by 2030 or earlier.  

Deforestation-Free Call to Action for Leather

Discover more about the objectives and expectations of the Deforestation-Free Call to Action for Leather, a collaborative initiative by Leather Working Group and Textile Exchange, aimed at addressing deforestation and promoting sustainable practices within the leather industry.

Regulation Latest

Click here to find out about the latest regulations on deforestation. 

Get involved today

For more information and to get involved with Leather Working Group on deforestation in the leather supply chain, please get in touch.

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